Responsible Serving Course
Online responsible serving of alcohol training

HomeAre you interested in becoming a bartender or alcohol server, and need to get or renew your license? - A division of Professional Server Certification Corp - can help get you certified!

In most states, you can get your Responsible Serving® of Alcohol certification online, from your own home.
All you need is: 
  • An Internet connection and a computer, smartphone, tablet, or other Internet-connected device. 
  • A few hours of time to take the training
  • You simply choose the correct course for your state, pay for it, and get instant online access to begin training
  • You can use your email address as your user name, and our secure server will let you log in from almost any Internet-connected device with a password that you choose
  • After you've taken your training, you can either print off your certificate, or you can call or email us and request that we mail it to you.

You can call RServing 6 days a week, 12 hours a day at 1-800-247-7737 and speak to one of our friendly staff members.